Women’s Show
Shelley Adler, Pamela Folsom, Ellen Clements Diamond, Anne-Marie Kornachuck, Johanne Cullen, Tracey Ellis Haynes, Wendy Chidester, Isabelle du Toit, Cristina Mittermeier, Christy Lee Rogers, Ariana Heinzman, Erika DeVries, Jenny Boot, Alexandra Eldridge

Jan 18 – Mar 10, 2018

Miller Gallery is excited to announce its first show of 2018, the Women’s Show. Elegantly curated, the show seeks to highlight a broad spectrum of contemporary art by female artists, including neons, sculpture, photography and painting. Miller Gallery will be highlighting many of its long-time female artists, along with introducing several new international female artists to Cincinnati. The show runs from January 18th through March 3rd. An opening reception will be held on January 18th from 6pm – 8pm at Miller Gallery.