Selected Media

On The Back Of A Cartoon Poster, Exhibition Catalogue, PDF
About Time, Exhibition Catalogue, PDF
5 Questions, Interview by Ann Jaeger, Electric City Magazine, Sep 13, Publication
In The Galleries, by Murray Whyte, Toronto Star, Mar 9, Website
Press Release – Women Painting Women, Exhibition at J. Cacciola Gallery, New York, PDF
Marshall McLuhan’s son on being raised a genius, by Joel Eastwood, Toronto Star, Mar 27, Website
Installation video for Body Language, Nicholas Metivier Gallery, 2014, Website
Interview with Shari Orenstein, by Artsync, 2013, Website
Studio Visit by J Cacciola Gallery, Youtube video, Video
60 Painters shows off Toronto’s dynamic artists, by Murray Whyte, Toronto Star, May 25, Website
Shelley Adler: Picture Day, New Paintings 2012. A 46-page book available from, Publication
Putting a Good Face On It, Shelley Adler's paintings are anything but skin deep. The National Post, Feb 16, Publication
Going Out, Toronto Life, Feb, Publication
Book Cover – Calligraphy of Dreams, by Juan Marsé (Caligrafía de los sueños) 2011, Publication
Book Cover – Extraordinary Canadians – Marshall Mcluhan, by Douglas Coupland. Part of the Extraordinary Canadians series by Penguin Books, 2010, Publication
Book Cover – The Best Canadian Poetry 2009, published by Tightrope Books, Publication
Shelley Adler, Review by David Balzer, Eye Weekley, Mar 18, PDF
Shelley Adler’s Romantic Loneliness in Toronto, by Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint, Mar 14, ImagePublication
Visual Arts Review, by Sarah Milroy, The Globe and Mail, Nov 22, PDF
Carte Blanche, Vol. 2: Painting, interview on Youtube, Video
Carte Blanche, Vol. 2: Painting, 328-page book published by the Magenta Foundation, with a foreword by Jane Urquhart, and critical essay by Clint Roenish., Website
Character Study: Shelley Adler’s Empathetic Portraits in Paint, by Gillian MacKay, Canadian Art, Fall 2007 Vol 24 No 3, PDF
Highs and Lows at Art Basil Miami Beach, The Globe and Mail, Dec 15, Image
Full Frontal, by Gary Michael Dault, The Globe and Mail, Sep 22, Image
The blank faces of a quiet revolution, by Peter Goddard, Toronto Star, Mar 31, Image
The Bliss of the Big Faces, by Gary Michael Dault, The Globe and Mail, Mar 25, Image
Gallery Going, by Gary Michael Dault, The Globe and Mail, Feb 16, Image
Mapping the Landscape of the Face, by Gary Michael Dault, The Globe and Mail, May 26, Publication